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Stoltenberg may receive a short extension

Stoltenberg He told the Norwegian public services company NRK that he intends to step down as general secretary this fall. The plan has always been for Stoltenberg to have Secretary-General at the summit in Vilnius on July 11-12, to end in early October.

But the Norwegian news agency NTB reports that Stoltenberg’s chief of staff Stian Jensen He withdrew an application to become Chief of Mission in the Security Department of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jensen had previously said he would remain chief of staff as long as Stoltenberg was general secretary.

Sources within NATO and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have stated according to NTB that it is possible that Stoltenberg’s appointment will be extended for a shorter period.

Stoltenberg himself responds diplomatically:

– You’ve been here twice as long as initially said. All my focus is on the work I have to do to finish. He tells NRK that I am sure NATO will find a successor.

There is speculation about who might become the new general secretary. Norwegian VG reports that Denmark’s Social Democratic Prime Minister Mitt Frederiksen It is filtered and refers to informed sources. Fredericksen is one of the American presidents Joe Bidens Favorite, writes VG.

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