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Sweden receives criticism at the climate meeting

The responsibility of rich countries for their historical emissions is the main topic of this year’s climate meeting in Egypt. Climate change is causing or exacerbating disasters in countries that themselves have barely contributed to global warming.

33 million people have been affected by the autumn floods in Pakistan, and in countries around the Horn of Africa, there is now famine due to the region’s worst drought in 40 years.

At the climate meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh Frustration is high with the lack of progress in the air-conditioned negotiating rooms.

Sweden is now under fire for making it difficult to reach agreement on the key issue of the climate meeting.

We really don’t understand why Sweden isn’t more accommodating on the issue of casualties and casualties. Sweden must play a better role, says Rachel Simon, a climate and development expert with Climate Action Network Europe.

Historically, Sweden has been one of the best actors in the EU in climate finance, because it is a member state that provides new and additional climate finance, along with regular aid. The damages and losses affect women in particular, lead to greater inequality and have enormous implications for poverty and development. These are issues that Sweden once cared about.

Rachel Simon is a climate and development expert with the Climate Action Network Europe.

Photo: Sverker Linas

DN has previously reported on this Sweden and the European Union do not support the demands of poor countries On a special fund to finance damages and losses.

But according to Rachel Simon, there are also contradictions within the European Union. Among others, Denmark, Belgium and Scotland have pledged money to compensate for damages and losses, although the contributions represent a small part of the needs.

Sweden really needs to move forward and unite with the stronger member states on this issue. Rich countries and especially the European Union cannot sit back and hide behind the United States, which is currently a divisive power. She says we need to hack during this meeting.

Slow abort Progress at the meeting is increasing, both among activists and UN leaders. UN climate chief Simon Steele warned of a “traffic jam” of unresolved disagreements towards the end of the week after the first draft of an agreement was delayed until late Monday afternoon. Despite this, the Egyptian presidency has come out promising that the timetable will be adhered to – something that has been met with skepticism. The first draft of the agreement was not presented until Monday afternoon, three days later.

Many of the wording in the draft drew criticism from the assessors, including that states now appear to be backing away from the wording on limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. One of the main successes at last year’s Glasgow meeting was that this target was tightened, but in the draft countries fell back to the weaker formulation of the Paris Agreement.

Another point of contention is precisely that of a special fund for climate damages, as there are two options now on the table. One is that the fund must be established by 2024 – the other is that there will be no fund.

Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (left) He told DN that Sweden is still against a special fund for damages and losses.

– I don’t think we should develop a new fund, you say, while dismissing the criticisms.

– I can understand that there is concern in light of the restructuring we’re doing of climate policy at the national level, but internationally I feel I’m getting a very strong response as the representative of Sweden.

According to the climate minister, the tools already in place are not working well enough, and it is more important to focus on making them work before developing new funds.

– to set new goals and start new financing – it would be nice to smile, take pictures and present these projects. But how do we ensure that we actually use the available investments?

Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari in an interview at COP27 with Swedish Radio's Environment Correspondent Annika Degres and DN Climate Editor Peter Alestig.

Photo: Sverker Linas

several countries, including Denmark, Promise dedicated support for damages and losses, regardless of whether the support is through a specific fund. But Romina Pourmokhtari does not want to promise any dedicated investments in climate damage.

– I have no news to give today. But I can assure these anxious activists that our ambition to contribute to sustainable development around the world – and the funding required – will not slow down. On the contrary, we want to switch this part of the business.

Sweden’s chief negotiator, Matthias Frommeri, thinks it is boring to hear criticism of Sweden, but he disagrees.

Sweden is one of the world’s largest donors in terms of aid in general, but also in terms of climate finance. Our approach is also to be able to get climate aid that meets needs that developing countries themselves highlight as important.

Coming 24-year-old Paul Chukuma From Nigeria and active in the Youth Coalition for Loss and Harm. He says he arrived at COP27 with high expectations.

– I was excited when I arrived in Sharm El-Sheikh. Many of us who have suffered damage and loss as a result of climate change and I expected the perspective of young people to be reflected in the boardroom. But none of this happens, he says.

Paul Chukwuma of the Youth Harm and Loss Coalition.

Photo: Sverker Linas

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