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Take a picture, search, buy.  News from Google

Take a picture, search, buy. News from Google

Google I / O, the giant’s annual developer conference, has kicked off. Here the news and planned changes to the services and products in question are revealed.

During the three-day event, Google will focus on Android and Chrome, voice assistants, the Google Play mobile store and wearables. What we already know is about service security, and it is something that needs to be emphasized strongly. In the context of privacy, Google has introduced a quick delete function in the search engine (allows you to delete the last 15 minutes of search history with one touch in the Google account listing) and a locked and password protected folder in photos.

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Have you ever given someone on your phone to show them a picture, but at the same time you were worried that they might transfer to a picture you didn’t want them to see? The new feature creates a space where selected images can be saved. As a result, photos in the locked folder will not appear when scrolling through Gallery. For starters, this feature will appear on Google Pixel phones. Then it will roll out to more Android devices throughout the year.

This is not the end of the news. There will be, among other things, interesting features in the maps. Google announced that it will make more than 100 AI-driven improvements to this app by the end of the year. One of these updates is to reduce the likelihood of severe braking while driving – all thanks to machine learning technology and the use of historical information from navigation. “In our opinion, this change could eliminate more than 100 million cases of severe braking on the roads traveled each year with the help of Google Maps,” company representatives argued.

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Google pledges that it will pay attention to the new quality of online shopping online. Users will now have a new way to discover and track products that interest them. All they need to do is take a screenshot and Google Photos will offer a search suggestion for an item from the image, so you can buy the product right away.