The Chinese rover Yutu 2 has detected a mysterious object on the horizon on its way through the Von Kármán crater on the far side of the Moon.
Discovered in November during the mission’s 36 lunar day, according to Yutu 2, Yutu 2 is a cube-shaped object on the horizon to the north and about 80 meters away. chest Powered by Our Space, a Chinese-language science channel of the China National Space Administration (CNSA).
Our room referred to the object as a “mysterious hut” (神秘/shenmi xiaowu), but this is a placeholder name and not an accurate description.
Die Wissenschaftler des Teams haben großes Interesse an diesem Objekt bekundet und Yutu 2 wird nun voraussichtlich die nächsten 2-3 Mondtage (2-3 Erdmonate) damit verbringen, den Mondregolith zu überqueren e zuberqueren und sowarme Krateraut ability.
One possible explanation for the shape is the presence of a large boulder that was excavated during a collision.
Yes, it’s not an obelisk or an alien, but it’s definitely something to see and it’s hard to see much in the picture. But larger rocks (on the right) are sometimes drilled by collisions, such as the Chang’e-3 mission that began 8 years ago on Dec. [CNSA/CLEP] 3, 2021
Yutu 2 and Chang’e 4 The probe first landed on the far side of the moon on January 3, 2019, and since then the spacecraft has been tumbling through the 115-mile-wide Von Karmann Crater.
Chang’e 4, as the name implies, is China’s fourth lunar mission and the second to introduce a spacecraft on the Moon. The Chang’e 1 and 2 missions were in orbit, with Chang’e 3 landing the first Yutu rover on the near side of the moon. China also launched the Chang’e 5 T1 lunar test mission and the Chang’e 5 lunar re-sampling mission.
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