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The far right is growing and wants to divide Belgium into two parts

A large number of election posters have been published ahead of the parliamentary and regional elections in Belgium, which are being held in parallel with the European Union elections on Sunday.

In six years, Belgium will celebrate 200 years of its independence – if the country still exists.

After this weekend's elections, the next prime minister may be a Flemish separatist.

The successes of anti-Islam Geert Wilders in the Netherlands are being repeated south of the border. In Belgian parliamentary elections scheduled for Sunday, the far-right, staunchly anti-immigration Vlaams Belang party expects to be the largest – not just in its home region of Flanders, but also in the entire country.

– During the next five years, there should be talks between the Flemish and Walloon governments on how to divide the country into two parts in a diplomatic and reasonable way, says Philippe de Man, a member of the European Parliament for Vlaams Belang, to AFP. an agency.

However, the French-speaking Wallonia region is not at all interested in partition. Instead, a strong advance is expected for the leftist PTB party.

The fact that extremism is increasing dramatically will make forming a government difficult. Belgium usually has very broad coalitions to obtain a majority. This time, Flanders' other main separatist party, the NVA, may have to be given a larger role in forming the government.

Perhaps even NVA leader Bart de Wever could become the new prime minister, especially since his party is now downplaying its longstanding demands for independence.

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– If a confederation allows private financial responsibility and ensures the prosperity of Flanders, that is enough for me, says De Wever in a radio interview before the elections.