A former Tesla employee is receiving the equivalent of about 118 million euros in compensation for being subjected to racism at a car manufacturing plant. Even the victim’s lawyer asked for less.


Tesla: Record verdict handed down for racism

In the United States, Tesla must have a former employee after a full-fledged lawsuit 118.1 million euros in compensation Pay. The former factory worker is said to have been discriminated against because of the color of his skin. It is said that in the past three years alone, 120 people have experienced similar accidents. So far, Tesla has not had to respond in court.

According to the judges, Tesla is one A hotbed of racist behavior. Abusive comments and hate messages are not an isolated case. In the toilets of the Tesla factory in Fremont, California, there are said to be swastikas along with other racial symbols.

Tesla denies allegations that it is “not aware” of possible misconduct. As a company, Tesla is against all forms of discrimination. However, the case will be taken seriously and further investigation will be carried out internally (Source: German wave).

The standard penalty is divided into compensation and other Paying for emotional distress. The victim’s lawyers themselves had requested less than the 118.1 million euros imposed.

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Tesla: The victim was hired as a contract worker

Tesla grew taller and general opinion I decided to refute the arguments even after the trial. According to the car manufacturer, the victim did not work for Tesla itself, but at a temporary employment agency. There is no evidence of racist statements. The allegations were only made when it became clear that no permanent position at Tesla was planned (source: Tesla).

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