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The House of Representatives votes for the Speaker – for the fourth consecutive day

In the fall midterm elections, the Republicans took over the House of Representatives, which means Democrats’ Nancy Pelosi must leave as Speaker. Who will be her successor is still written in the stars. Despite 11 votes, the House of Representatives was unable to agree in the longest voting process in 164 years.

Republicans are divided. The Battalion wants to see Kevin McCarthy as the new president, but so far he has managed only 203 votes out of the 218 needed. He has been slowed down by a contingent of 20 who want to see another candidate.

Before the House of Representatives met for its 12th vote at 6pm Swedish time on Friday, negotiations continued behind closed doors. Three sources that transparently speak for themselves Washington Post They are close to reaching a settlement that will pave the way for McCarthy, but it is unclear when it will be reached.

before the twelfth vote On Friday, Kevin McCarthy sounded optimistic.

– He said: We will make progress today, and we will shock you CNN.

When asked what the current framework for settlement looks like, he said:

– We’ll see, you understand we have some individuals who have some family problems.

After the House adjourned Thursday, McCarthy said negotiations were moving forward, but there was no prediction of when he would get the 218 votes he needed.

– If this takes a little longer, that’s fine, according to CNN.

But the question is If the 20 members are ready to budge.

This ends one of two ways: Either Kevin McCarthy drops out of the race or we build a vest he can’t avoid, member Matt Gaetz said Thursday, according to CNN.

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Karen Erickson: Whatever it was that ended up being a little bit McCarthy out

Divided Republicans failed to agree on Thursday