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The Lower Saxony Cup is being played despite the Corona pandemic

The Lower Saxony Cup is being played despite the Corona pandemic

Hannover (dpa / lni) – In contrast to the seasons in the Northern District League and amateur football in Lower Saxony, the Lower Saxony Cup will continue to be played this year despite the coronavirus pandemic. On April 30th, the regional division will determine the Atlas of Delmenhorst and the third division SV Meben, qualifying for the third semifinals. The winner will then compete for the winner in the neighborhood duel between VfB Oldenburg and SSV Jeddeloh II, the date of which has not yet been set. Regional clubs VfV Borussia 06 Hildesheim and SV Drochtersen / Assel have already qualified for the second semi-finals.

The Lower Saxony Cup winner will participate in the DFB Cup next season. “I hope that we will be able to identify the final participants by May 29, because the” Final Amateur Day “is planned for this date,” said the chairman of the federation’s game committee, Jürgen Stepani. According to NFV, it’s still open when Amateur Cup competition can continue. There are still eleven teams in the competition, and here too the winners qualify for the DFB Cup.

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