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The new homepage for Interia . has been launched

The new homepage for Interia . has been launched

Users can now use the new Interia homepage. It is easy to use, fast and easy to use. The portal focused on the modern presentation of news and a wealth of multimedia content from Poland and around the world.

– We designed the new homepage with users’ needs in mind. We will provide them with fast and convenient access to the most popular content – a large number of last minute news, videos, podcasts, live broadcasts and interviews. The new site is a great tool for submitting the best materials to the portal. I am convinced that our users will love Interia in the new version – says Piotr Witwicki, Editor-in-Chief of Interia Group.

The new home page reflects the changes to the posting policy of Interia, the basis of which is always up-to-date news. Thanks to a better presentation of informative materials, among others another section with the latest news, users of the portal will have convenient and instant access to the most important events.

Transparency and content profiling

The new Interia homepage offers users a clear and ergonomic design. It is divided into thematic blocks that provide quick and easy access to the best materials from the Interia Group. In addition, thanks to the content classification, the number of articles in individual sections is adjusted in accordance with the interests and needs of users.

Top news

The most important news in thematic blocks of events, sports and business are presented in a modernized format, which reduces the time required to search for information. They’ve been moved closer to the right-hand side, making it easy to learn about the day’s hottest topics. On the other hand, the sections closer to the right edge provide quick access from the home page to videos, columns, live streams, and interviews that shouldn’t be overlooked.

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New thematic blocks

In the following sections, users will find completely new thematic blocks – Interia Extra games, Geekweek ∙, Pop Culture and Popular.

The Interia Extra offers the content of the most popular Interia Group websites in a convenient format of weekly thematic courses. There will be technician Mondays and Tuesdays with garden, cooking Wednesdays, green Thursdays, free time (after) Fridays and weekends with Tygodnik Interia.

Geekweek ∙ Games and Pop Culture are sections created for users with well-defined interests. They will quickly find a wide range of materials from the world of new technologies, games and science, as well as films, series and music.

In the Popularity section, which closes the page, the most important news from the last 48 hours from all Interia Group websites are provided.

Sport Entrea and Bombonic

A new format of exhibitions has been introduced to two leading Interia sites – Sport Interia and Pomponik. Sports events are now presented in one of the most visible places on the page, just below the events. The gossip section has been visually updated and the Pomponik logo has been placed on it.

Synergy with Polsat Plus Group content

The new home page is equipped with additional multimedia solutions that enable Interia to use the full potential of synergy with the television content of the Polsat Plus Group. They will allow, among other things, various and free use of video materials, including live broadcasts.

The changes introduced provide users with convenient and quick access to the best video materials. Right from the home page they can watch extended numbers of Polsat’s most popular press programs – “Gościa Wydarzeń” and “Rymanowski’s Breakfast in Polsat News and Interia”. The Polsat Go icon in the title will give them access to the Polsat Plus Group’s premium TV content.

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Optimizing your advertising space

The ad space on the new homepage has been designed with users and advertisers in mind. On the one hand, it is in harmony with the content and does not distract from its reception. On the other hand, it maintains a good level of viewability and gives advertisers completely new possibilities, such as creating a branded thematic area.

Practical and elegant design

The new homepage uses an elegant design that complies with the latest User Experience (UX) standards. With practical and functional solutions, it will make it easier for users to search and view content. The Interia project is the result of a long design and development process with many studies and tests. The collected data helped Interia create a home page, the final look of which was also influenced by the users themselves.