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The practice of ostentation went awry in front of Kim Jong Un  the world

The practice of ostentation went awry in front of Kim Jong Un the world

Several North Korean paratroopers are said to have collided with each other in the air during military exercises last March. Here is an image from the same exercise

Photo: North Korean Central News Agency

Kim Jong Un and his daughter Kim Joo Ae were seen observing the bragging exercise.

Photo: North Korean Central News Agency

But in the state-controlled media, nothing was mentioned about the incidents.

Photo: North Korean Central News Agency

When the large-scale drill was broadcast in state-controlled North Korean media in mid-March, it was presented as a great success.

The happiest of them all was dictator Kim Jong Un, who supervised the exercises with his daughter, Kim Joo-ae.

According to state media, the dictator watched the exercises “with great satisfaction” and said the paratroopers “fully demonstrated their exemplary combat ability.”

It crashed in the air

But behind the well-polished propaganda facade, several incidents occurred in the air, right before Kim Jong Un's eyes, according to South Korea's KCNA news agency. Yonhap.

According to South Korean authority sources, several paratroopers must have collided with each other in the air and were injured. It is currently unclear if this is a fatality.

The cause of the accidents must have been strong winds that prevented the umbrellas from opening properly.

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