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The study shows that more and more women are looking for men in South Korea.  Cod in Seoul?

The study shows that more and more women are looking for men in South Korea. Cod in Seoul?

CNN reports that more and more American and European women are going to South Korea in search of love. According to South Korean researcher Min Joo Lee, this is largely due to the romantic image of South Korean men that many have received thanks to TV series like Crash Landing on You and Goblin.

According to the women Min spoke to, they believe that South Korean men are gentle and romantic, care about their appearance, and connect with their feminine side.

Somewhere one has to assume that the massive popularity of kpop in the western world in the past 10 years also plays a factor here and it is undeniable that it is difficult to compete with beautiful men.

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South Korea, Netflix, Love


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A study video shows that more and more women are looking for men in South Korea

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