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“The Voice Kids”.  Lenka, suffering from alopecia areata, touched Cleo.  Who passed?

“The Voice Kids”. Lenka, suffering from alopecia areata, touched Cleo. Who passed?

“The fifth edition is a fight,” he says CleoWhat’s next David Kvyatkovsky And Thompson and Baron are back in their wheelchairs. “Voice children“. During the first phase – blind choices – More than 70 exotic artists will perform on stage People between the ages of 8 and 14 can steal hearts and attract people.

Only 9-year-old Lena Ornovska among them can give her indescribable energy to the whole city. The woman impresses the coaches and proves it Despite the illness, it is worth being happy and making dreams come true. “I often walk in the trees. I’m everywhere. Somewhere I’ve hurt myself,” says a very determined participant in the latest edition of “The Voice Kids.”

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“The Voice Kids 5”. Lenka stole the hearts of the coaches

The adorable 9-year-old boy befriended music in preschool. That’s when he won a song contest and got his first win. Today Lena not only takes lessons in singing, but also learns to play the piano and DJM. The young participant’s musical dreams were not disturbed by the disease Lena had been battling for years.

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– Points out Lenka suffering from total alopecia areata. “Because survival is possible, we try to make it a problem,” says the girl’s mother.

During the first blind auditions in this edition Lena sang the song “Bursttinek” from Fazolki’s set And turned the seats of all the coaches.

Who else appeared in the first episode of the new edition of “The Voice Kids”?

“The Voice Kids 5”. Participants in the first blind auditions