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Thirteenth Retirement Payments 2021. That much of the net money goes to retiree accounts

Thirteenth Retirement Payments 2021. That much of the net money goes to retiree accounts

The net thirteenth pension 2021. When will the additional pension be spent and who will receive it? Despite the pandemic, the government has promised to pay extra benefits to the elderly. But it turns out that the thirteenth pension will be less “available” than everyone had thought. Check out why.

The lowest pension will increase in 2021 from a total of 1,200 Polish zlotys to a total of 1,250.88 Polish zlotys. It is also important information in the context of obtaining the thirteenth pension. This is because it reaches the minimum pension.

Pensions are indexed in March 2021So thirteen this year is already higher in contrast.

One would think that the net sums, meaning “hand in hand”, would be the same. It is not like this. The minimum guaranteed pension will be from March 1 (after the index) – 1066.30 PLN, The net amount of the thirteenth pension – 1022.30 PLN. A down payment is deducted Income tax And the health premium.

Why is this true, where does this difference come from? We asked for explanations from the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Social Insurance Organization. You can read the details in the gallery below.

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Kristina Mechaczyk, ZUS Regional Spokesperson in Kujawsko-Pomorsky explains: – Paying the thirteenth pension does not take into account the amount of the tax cut [wolnej od podatku – red.] The press spokesperson explains that PLN 43.76, as it is only used once per month for the benefit payment.

Simply – The tax-free amount can only be deducted from one feature per month. It is deducted from the pension, not from the “thirteen”.

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Remember that the additional thirteenth pension will be paid out to most recipients together with their April pensions, with a single transfer. To obtain it, you must have the right to old-age / disability pension as of March 31st and be entitled to this benefit. If his payment is suspended – “Thirteen” is disqualified.