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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Sweden to attend the OSCE meeting

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Sweden to attend the OSCE meeting

Blinken – often described as a “diplomat diplomat” – travels first to Latvia and then to Sweden, where Secretary of State Anne Linde (SocDem) will host OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) foreign ministers. Meeting on December 2-3. Lindy is the chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Blinken arrives in Sweden The day before the meeting, Wednesday, December 1, US Assistant Secretary of State Karen Donfred said on a conference call.

Ministers will discuss concerns about security in Europe and Eurasia and the need to strengthen it by upholding the principles of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The secretary of state will meet with representatives of Sweden to discuss the relationship between the United States and Sweden and work together to achieve common goals, Donfried said.

Among those invited to the meeting are the foreign ministers of North America, Europe and Central Asia, including Russia and the United States, the State Department wrote in a press release.

Karen Donfried does not want to confirm or deny the question of whether Blinken will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during his visit to Stockholm.

– I have nothing to announce about this, but stay informed, says Donfred.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has 57 member states. The agenda of the organization is mainly crises and conflicts in the OSCE region in particular, including in and around Ukraine. The migrant crisis at the Belarusian border is also likely to be addressed at next week’s meeting.

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Lindh said in a statement that the OSCE’s “common principles and commitments” are now more important than ever to confront challenges and prevent new crises and conflicts.

During the Blue and Yellow Presidency, Lindy and her colleagues also lobbied to prioritize areas such as women’s economic empowerment, climate and security.

Lind’s colleague, lawyer Anthony Blinken has a solid foreign policy resume inside the jacket. Raised in New York and Paris, between 2015 and 2017 he was Deputy Secretary of State for John Kerry, under President Barack Obama. He was in the room when Obama followed up on the raids that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and played an important role in the United States’ handling of the Crimean crisis in 2014.

As President Joe Biden’s Secretary of State, Blinken primarily sought to mend diplomatic ties severed by former US President Donald Trump’s more confrontational doctrine. Among other things, he played a significant role in the re-admission of the United States to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.