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Volkswagen offers voluntary retirement to its workers;  Syndicate opposes

Volkswagen offers voluntary retirement to its workers; Syndicate opposes

The company offered this option to those over 56 years old.

Leader Volkswagen Autonomous Union of Auto Workers (SITIAVW), Jose Juan Hernandez LopezThey spoke out against your retirement program Volkswagen, which would apply to 60 workers with medical restrictions.

“Our job is to see that our work areas are complete and not because of the withdrawal of this number of 60 colleagues we have problems in the work areas, but we are careful that this does not happen, this is the work of union representation, the floor,” he expressed.

The federation announced that this program is for people with medical limitations from 56 to 60 years old. The deadline for registration is October 31 this year.

Hernandez Lopez He avoided mentioning the amounts to be paid to workers by discussing safety issues for those who would accept them.

This program is being announced in the midst of a decline in the company’s production, as well as reduced activities due to the lack of vehicle manufacturing potential.

low production

output from Volkswagen It decreased by 11 percent between June 2020 and 2021, on the contrary, the export of its units grew by more than 100 percent according to the latest report from National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Engy).

German company with factory in Puebla It manufactured 8,942 vehicles in June 2020 and for the same month, but this year the number fell to 7,947. With this number, it ranked fourth among the companies with the most setbacks.

in a report INEGI It is detailed that Toyota Production fell by 29.8 percent; Stilants from 27.7 Mercedes Benz from 24.9 and General motors 13 percent. As for the rest of the eight companies affiliated to the report, they recorded increases ranging between 1.8 and 689 percent.

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At the national level, there was an average increase in production in the mentioned months, it increased from 250 thousand 158 units created to 263 thousand 955.

Of the companies that advertise their production, the case AudiWhere it recorded the highest growth rate, it moved from manufacturing 59 thousand units to 16,248, according to official statistics.

During the first half of this year, it was noted that the same company saw an 112.9 percent increase in car production compared to the first six months of last year.

in case if Volkswagen There is also growth in the same period, but this was 35.8 percent, going from 106 thousand 707 units to 144 thousand 908 units.


exports Volkswagen It achieved 131.7 percent growth, going from 5,976 units sold abroad to 13,845 units between June 2020 and the same month, but as of 2021.

in case if Audi It was detailed that there was an increase of 720 percent, from 1,597 to 1,3101 cars sold outside the country Mexico.