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Warsaw.  Large alignment of Virods by Trosa Logienkovska.  Road workers provided a demolition date

Warsaw. Large alignment of Virods by Trosa Logienkovska. Road workers provided a demolition date

According to Malkorsada Gazevska, a spokeswoman for the Warsaw City Development Board, demolition of the viaducts on Agricola will begin in January and early February. Later, the tender will be announced to the contractor for the construction of new flyovers on Pariska Street.

The upcoming reconstruction of the Trasa azienkowska Viaducts will be a major event that will last until March 2024. After 46 years of operation, they are unusable. Concrete pieces fall from below, the structure is supported by metal supports, and passers-by and cars passing through the Cetlaska Roundabout are protected by a net. On a temporary basis, speed limits of 40 kilometers per hour will apply to the area of ​​the Logiyenkovska route that passes through Viaducts. Therefore, the routes between the Łazienkowski Bridge and the Vistula Dam will be removed. New ones will be built in their place.

Road workers are preparing to perform this complex task. – Preparations are underway to strengthen the southern estuary. Currently, traffic on this route is three lanes. Warsaw City Development Board spokeswoman Malkorsada Gazevska told us that after the demolition of the northern dungeon, traffic would be diverted to the south in four lanes. He said reinforcement was needed through technical expertise appointed by the contractor.

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Before the Northern Canal was demolished. Road workers must agree and introduce a temporary transportation system. “According to forecasts, the contractor will begin demolition of the facility in January and February next year,” said Gazevska.

There will be big difficulties

Investing will be a big challenge and it will definitely represent difficulties. The Municipal Roads Authority’s annual survey shows that after Krota-Rovekiko, the bridge most frequently selected by drivers in Warsaw was Logienkovsky. In the summer 122,000 cars a day traveled between Strotmissi and Prague Bolotny.

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According to, in mid-August, road workers began work on widening the southern route to four lanes. Even then, the city suggested an alternative route for Pulavska and Kovorka, Aleje Ujastovsky or Wariszko and Spaserova for heavy trucks weighing 3.5 tons from Gagarin and Chernikovska. You can also avoid the road by driving: Aleja Nipotleklosi, Vilanovska, Trosa Sikierkovska, Cherniakovska. These will be the basic diversions for drivers who use the Łazienkowska route on a daily basis after starting their first job in viaducts.

Skanska is the contractor for the reconstruction of Viaducts on Agricola. Construction cost PLN 87.5 million. Along the 400-meter stretch of the road, in addition to the new roads, there will be two-way pedestrian and bicycle lanes, ramps, which will improve road access for those with limited mobility, as well as modern lighting.

Viaduct will be repaired on Paris

As Małgorzata Gajewska declared, this is not the end of the difficulties in the path of azienkowska. Road workers on the Prague side of the Vistula River are also preparing for another investment. – Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship ordered the extension of noise barriers on the American Avenue from Bajońska to International Avenue. In this section, there are flyovers on Pariska Street, which are in poor technical condition. Gazevska said they should be removed and rebuilt.

For this purpose, the city received PLN 114 million under the Government’s Strategic Investment Plan. – We are currently waiting for building permission. The tender for the contractor for these works must be announced within six months – said Kazhevska.

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Key Photo Source: ZMID