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Watch Dogs Legion: No More Updates

Watch Dogs Legion: No More Updates

As announced by the developers behind Watch Dogs Legion, post-launch support for the open world title has been discontinued. He goes on to say that the third, fourth, and fifth seasons of the online multiplayer game will return several times in the coming months.

In an open letter, the developers responsible for the open-world adventure Watch Dogs Legion addressed the community once again and thanked players for their support.

At the same time, officials looked back at the development of the “Watch Dogs Legion” and noted that various updates had been released since the release, which include new modes such as “Invasion”, “Resistance” or the Zombie sub-“Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead” brought with them. However, this content will remain the same, as post-launch support for Watch Dogs: Legion has now ended.Thus, Patch 5.6, released in September 2021, is the final update to the action title.

Online mode seasons repeat

“Finally, thanks to your feedback, we’ve added several quality of life improvements to the game. Throughout it all, you’ve shown us your DedSec teams, your favorite recruits, your best gameplay moments, fan art, costumes, videos, and more. We loved seeing the special content Big update 5.6 was our latest update for Watch Dogs Legion,” the developers stated on the official website.

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As it was also announced, players who have missed out on many rewards in online mode can look forward to another opportunity to secure extras. Seasons 3–5 will be repeated regularly over the next few months: “The current Rebels 4th season continues with 80 ranks until January 22, 2022, followed by Stripes, Season 5. After that, Seasons 3-5 will run and come back into the game, giving you the opportunity to earn rewards. You may have missed it in the past.”

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Watch Dogs Legion is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia.

those: Ubisoft

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