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Weather in Europe – Forest fires and heavy rain divide the continent

There is extreme weather in Europe – in different parts of the spectrum.

In Cyprus, forest fires broke out and forced the evacuation of several villages.

Meanwhile, Mallorca Airport was closed after heavy rain.

A heat wave swept Europe.

In Cyprus, extreme heat was followed by several forest fires.

Three villages were forced to evacuate and thousands of animals died in fires that broke out in the Paphos area on Tuesday. Cyprus Mail reports.

Greece also suffered from extreme heat. In the capital, Athens, they were forced to close several schools on Tuesday and deploy medical teams throughout the city. The temperature is expected to rise to more than 40 degrees on Thursday.

Reports indicate that temperatures in Türkiye are also 8-12 degrees higher than normal for this time of year euronews.

Tourists in central Athens on Wednesday.

Heavy rain and snowy winds

Meanwhile, Mallorca was hit by heavy rain. On Tuesday, Palma Airport was forced to close due to heavy flooding.

In the UK, the weather is much cooler than on the continent, with temperatures being 1-3 degrees below normal in June. The cold weather is due to arctic winds blowing across the country, and is expected to continue until July. BBC writes.

Heavy smoke from the fire in the Paphos area.