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WhatsApp: 10 Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know About the Messenger

WhatsApp: 10 Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know About the Messenger

We can give in to having a lower quality camera, a not-too-large screen, or a slightly lower processing speed. But when choosing a cell phone, any user needs An app to communicate with almost everyone: The WhatsApp.

In January 2021, the Facebook-owned messaging platform crossed the barrier Two billion users around the world, although it is particularly successful outside the United States. Although most people know the main functions, there are many additional features or tricks that are not well known. Here, some highlights selected by the team TN Techno.

10 Unknown WhatsApp Tricks

  • Reply to messages without appearing “connected”

Don’t want someone to see you online or “typing” on WhatsApp? There is a trick to avoid it.

First we have to Activate Airplane Mode, to completely disconnect from the Internet, either by connecting to the cell phone or via WiFi. Then we go to WhatsApp and reply to all the messages we want. They will appear with the circle with the clock, which indicates this Not yet sent.

Once we are done answering messages, we go back to the cell phone settings to deactivate Airplane mode, which works effectively It will save your phone call.

Only then will the messages be sent, but without “Called” or “Typing” appearing when replying.

  • Forget chatting without leaving the group

Also known as “Vacation Mode,” the archived chat system now allows you to “hide” groups and stop receiving notifications.

with this option The user can prioritize conversations and avoid interruptions One of the less important ones, since it also deactivates notifications: if there is a chat, we will not even know if it contains new messages (although we will see if there are conversations between archived messages).

To archive a chat, individual or group, all you have to do is mark it and choose the “Archive” option, a box with a down arrow, which is located between the mute dots and the three options dots.

WhatsApp option to keep messages archived. (Screenshot: TN Tecno).

In the same way that we have conversations or groups that we want to forget, there are others that we want to always have on hand. This is what a choice ‘Featured Chats’, a PIN or Pin that allows you to ‘link’ them above Chats, so they’re always close at hand.

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To use it, we have to select a chat, group or individual, and touch the pin, the icon that appears above, to the left of the container “to delete”.

Featured chats will always remain at the top of the conversation list.

The option to “pin” chats above everything, so that they are highlighted. (Photo: TN Tecno screenshot).
  • More security with two-step verification

In the face of multiple cases of account theft for other types of scams, a good procedure to take care of our WhatsApp profile is Energizing Two-step verification.

To do this, you have to go to the three dots that appear in the upper right corner of the application to enter Settings, Account, and finally 2-Step Verification.. Once you get there, you have to touch the Activate button.

In addition to setting the six-digit code, and optionally, Email can be added, which WhatsApp will use to send you a link to disable 2-Step Verification if you forgot your PIN.

Two-step verification option in WhatsApp. (Photo: TN Tecno)

Paying attention to the surge in account thefts, they give from the messenger’s support page an important clarification to avoid surprises: “If you received an email to deactivate the function (…) but did not request it, do not click on this link. Maybe someone is trying to check Your phone number on WhatsApp.

  • Fingerprint lock

So that no one can access our messages without permission, a good option is to activate the fingerprint lock.

To do this, you have to go toSettings “,” Account “,” Privacy ” Finally, there is a fingerprint lock option. Once this option is activated, it will ask you to put your fingerprint on the phone’s sensor, and there it will automatically tell you the options from when the phone is locked so that no one can access your messenger.

Finally, the app will ask you to signal How often can you ask us to print. There are three options: immediately, after 1 minute, or after 30 minutes. It should be noted that this ban does not affect calls: when a person arrives, they can be answered without putting a fingerprint.

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This obviously works on phones with fingerprint readers, whether Android and iOS or iPhone.

  • Send text messages with your voice

Although many people prefer to send audios instead of typing, there are many of us who hate receiving audio messages. But there is an option to please everyone: Talk to WhatsApp and what we say is automatically typed.

To use it, you must have a keyboard that includes this function. Under the WhatsApp microphone, we will see another image, in the same row of emojis, GIFs and other options. by clicking Voice dictation activated, which transcribes the words we say.

In this case, use the icon that appears under the “most popular” microphone (Photo: Capture TN).

The tool allows Tells the system to “translate” into text. The mechanisms are quite simple, and they are similar to voice searches. In this way, the sender speaks (does not have to write) and the recipient receives a written message, avoiding the inconvenience this brings on many occasions.

With the proliferation of groups, so do the photos, videos, and files in general that are shared on the platform. Fortunately, at the end of 2020, WhatsApp launched a renewed option for storage management To identify, review and delete contents that may fill up the phone’s memory.

The new storage management tool can be found at Settings > Storage and data > Manage storage.

Once there, we will see, on the one hand, how much space the application is using (in the example 10 GB), as well as items that have been forwarded many times and those that are more than 5 MB. Finally, below, we’ll see the chats and how much megabytes (or gigabytes) there are in that conversation, whether it’s individual or group.

New WhatsApp storage management Zalchaski | TN Techno
  • Bold, italic, and strikethrough

This alternative is a few years old but still unknown by most of the users. The system is very simple: just put the words between asterisks, underscores or small signs – the official name of the sign “~” -, It is possible to write in bold, italic, or strikethrough, Straight.

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You can also choose a different letter, using the font called FixedSys, with the words attached with three back tags. I mean, “like this'”.

Different writing styles in WhatsApp (Photo: TN Tecno screenshot).
  • Resend without label Resend

To avoid misinformation, WhatsApp has long implemented the forward flag, which indicates that if the message is not original, but came to the person from another contact. Can we avoid it? Yes: Instead of ‘forwarding’ content ‘Share it’.

All you have to do is choose the image, video, link or GIF and select the Share option from the list of options, the three dots in the upper right corner. This works with just about everything, except for links and text messages only. In this case, what we need to do is “copy” and “paste” the text.

  • Send a message without scheduling the contact

from a computer It’s very easy to chat with someone we haven’t scheduled. All you have to do is go to the following address, and change the “number” part of the cell phone we want to write to.

In this way, if it is a number from Argentina, we must enter the address, the area code and the recipient number.

When we press enter to enter the address, we will see a simplified page with the option to “Message” or “Continue Chat” to write to that number.

The option to send a WhatsApp message to a cell phone we don’t have a schedule (Photo: TN Tecno capture).

If we do not sync our cell phone with WhatsApp Web The platform will ask us to do thiss. In this case, if it’s a phone that we haven’t scheduled, we won’t see the person’s name, just their cell phone number.

The function also works with a cell phone: when you enter this address and click on “Message”, the WhatsApp application will automatically open to send a message to this number that is not registered with us.