WhatsApp has 6 new features for voicemail messages. I’ve always avoided them like fire, but with this approach I’ll probably have to change my habits.
I’m not a fan of private messaging The WhatsAppBut after the new update, I will probably have to change my position. There are 6 new useful functions in dealing with voicemail messages.
WhatsApp 6 brings new features to voicemails
The update may already be on your phone. I can use it now – if not, it should be available in the next few days. So what’s new?
- You will be able to listen to messages in the background while you are doing something else. This is by far the biggest change that convinces me to use voicemail a lot.
- From now on, you can also stop and resume recording of voice messages. Previously, this had to be done all at once.
- The least interesting of these seems to be the new perception of recorded sound. This is a purely cosmetic change that I wouldn’t even notice if it weren’t for the charts below.
WhatsApp photo
- The ability to listen to a recorded message before sending it.
- You can now return to listening to the voicemail message at the moment it was previously paused. This is a useful thing – I know people who like to send in 3 minute recordings.
- And the last novelty will come in handy if you also have such friends. You can now set the recording playback speed to 1.5 or twice. It works with all messages, including those forwarded from other chats.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp’s biggest competitor, Messenger, has some great new solutions for testing. You can read more about it in the text below.
Messenger starts with great news: Quick Shortcuts and Silent Messages!
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