The WhatsApp still a program The most used messenger around the world. And there are many emojis that mean something different than we imagine. like clown emoji. We tell you its true meaning.
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clown emoji is included in The WhatsApp In June 2016, within a family emoji Known as Unicode 9.0. He is a circus clown or one of those who usually go to children’s birthday parties.
Known in English as clown face, it’s a emoji He found a new meaning beyond what it was originally.
What other meanings do the clown face emoji have?
it’s a emoji Used in conversations when you want to make it clear that someone has been left as a file “Joker”, That is, as an idiot or one who makes himself an idiot in a situation.
It can also be used to indicate a terrifying situation, remembering that clowns have been used in various horror films, such as which – which.
September 14 The WhatsApp You will see how they pray New emoji, which will undoubtedly be widely used in conversations, such as the heart-shaped hands. Although some have also sparked controversy, such as emoji From pregnant men.
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