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Where is the storm?  Current IMWM warnings are concerned about heat and flooding across the country [RADAR BURZ]

Where is the storm? Current IMWM warnings are concerned about heat and flooding across the country [RADAR BURZ]

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Do you know how thunderstorms behave?

Firefighters have intervened 5,000 times since Wednesday, July 14, due to storm surges that have swept across Poland. As of midnight, 3,420 operations had been carried out, and by 5.30 – more than 1,920 – the Commander-in-Chief of the State Fire Service, Brigadier Christoph Pattersky, said.

Today's weather - Thursday, July 15.  Burzow, almost the entire country, heats up to 34 degreesToday’s weather – Thursday, July 15. Heat to 34 degrees

215,892 were without electricity. Dangerous weather events are forecast for the weekend, according to the Meteorological and Water Management Agency. On Thursday, July 15, the company issued first and second warnings.

IMWM Warnings: Thunderstorms, rain, hail inland

According to the IMGW, rain and thunderstorms are forecast for Thursday. During atmospheric emissions, it is likely to rain up to 50 mm, with winds of up to 90 km per hour. Weather forecasters have issued warnings across Poland – indicating hail, heavy rain and thunderstorms and heat.

They are in practice in central and eastern Poland 2nd degree heat warnings. Nationwide, except for the Pomorsky and Kuzhavsko-Pomorsky Voyotoships Hail storm warnings – For the following Vodoships: Vormiosko-Masursky, Podlaski, Atsky, Świętokrzyskie, Podkorbakki, Młpolsky and Alaski Secondary alerts, For the rest (Sachotniyopomorsky, Lubelsky, Wilkopolsky, Tolnolesky, Masovsky and Lubelsky Voiceships) – First. The Pomorsky and Kuzavsko-Pomorsky Voyotoships are closed Secondary warnings of heavy rain and thunderstorms.

IMGW AlertsStormy night in Poland. Thousands of interventions

Where is the storm? Lightning radar

According to the weather forecasters of the Bursa-Alert-IMGW profile, storms are expected across the country on Thursday, although strong forecasts are expected in the northeastern part of the country. “From Pomerania, through the center of the country, to Młbolski and Alaski Voyotoships is quite possible until the afternoon, and in the rest of the country mainly in the afternoon” – we read.

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We can follow the course of the lightning discharge on the radar of the wind portal.