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Will the obligation to wear a mask be abolished from April 1?

Will the obligation to wear a mask be abolished from April 1?

On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, Government Spokeswoman Pyotr Mர்ller announced that the Committee of Ministers would consider the recommendation of the Minister of Health to end the obligation to wear a mask. There is a problem in recognizing the date as the direction results were accepted correctly – he added.

Recommendation of the Minister of Health regarding the compulsory wearing of masks

M முller was asked on Polish Radio Three, March 21, 2022, “When can the poles remove their masks in closed places?” “I think this recommendation will come into effect soon,” he replied. “Directional decisions are accepted correctly and there is a problem in recognizing the deadline,” he said. He said the committee of ministers should comment on the matter. He expressed hope that such a discussion would take place “in government tomorrow”.

This was announced on Friday by the spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrewskiw The deadline is April 1 for the Health Minister’s recommendation to end the obligation to wear a mask.. According to him, isolation and isolation “should disappear from our lives”. “The prime minister will make the final decision,” he said. (BAP)

Author: Krzysztof Kowalczyk

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Working Rules for Selected Local Government Units (PDF)

Working Rules for Selected Local Government Units (PDF)

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