Włodzimierz Nowak is a graduate of the Polish National Film, Television and Drama School in dź. He performed on stage throughout Poland: Dieter Imil. Wojciech Bokoslavsky in Kallis, Vasbossesny in Wroclaw, Elblock or Traumatiksny in Warsaw, Comedia, Na Volley and Quadrat theaters.
He played various roles: he played in plays by Shakespeare, Brecht, Fredro and Moliere. He also appeared in the play “Songs and Poems With Hearts … Cabaret Ref-Rena” by Andrze Strelki presented at the Polish Theater of the Polish Association of Polish Artists and Designers in London.
Włodzimierz Nowak was most remembered by audiences for his role in Stanislav Pareja’s “Teddy”, where he played the role of a poetry reader when he was officially issued a passport.
The actor starred alongside others in Roman Jaloski’s “Cardiogram”, Wojciech Solars’ “Big Love by Balsack”, Jersey Wozniacki’s “Sanatorium Under the Harklass” or Jersey Hoffman’s “By Your Judgments”. In total, he appeared in several dozen films.
Vodzimierz Nowak died in Skolimow. He is 80 years old.
Source: zasp.pl
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