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Zelenskyy hails EU negotiations: 'historic'

Posted on 2024-06-27 12.52

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and European Council President Charles Michel.

“A historic step forward,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said during a visit to Brussels after the start of negotiations with the European Union this week.

New security agreements must ensure long-term support.

There was a big thank you from Zelensky during Thursday's meetings in Brussels, two days after the country officially began negotiations on future EU membership.

We have been waiting for this for a very long time, and everyone – civilians and our heroes on the battlefield – now sees this historic step forward. “This is very important for all of us, believe me,” Zelensky said during a short press meeting with EU Council President Charles Michel.

Subsequently, an additional security agreement was signed with the European Union and also separately with Lithuania and Estonia. Ukraine has already signed similar agreements with 17 other countries, including the USA, but also with many countries within the European Union.

– We are sending a message that we intend to support Ukraine for as long as possible. We are not afraid of Russia. Michel said that Ukraine is fighting to defend its future, the future of its children, and also our values.

Zelensky also took part in the opening of the EU leaders' summit and is also meeting in Brussels with outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.