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Zombie Survival – New portal experience available

Zombie Survival – New portal experience available

“Battlefield Portal” has been expanded to include a zombie mode. For a week you have time to compete in a team against a crowd of zombies.

Battlefield 2042: Zombie Survival - New portal experience available

The portal mode in Battlefield 2042 brings you extraordinary gaming experiences created by the community. The latest is calledzombie survivalIt can be played from today. You have until January 27, so one week.

4 players against 60 undead

Squad competing against 60 bloodthirsty zombies simultaneously. Among the character models, the zombies are actually soldiers. However, they cannot run and only have a knife.

The goal is to survive for an hour. Get as many kills as you can. In the event that one of your team members dies, you must eliminate a certain number of zombies to revive them. By the way, weapons can also be settled here.

The game is played on mini-map variants of these branches:

  • “Battlefield 1942”
  • “Battlefield 3”
  • „BF: Bad Company 2”
  • Battlefield 2042.

Otherwise, update 3.2 can be downloaded from today. With this, the development team has once again removed many bugs and improved stability. You can read about the most significant changes in the article linked below. Even the next update is already there and will bring with it changes to the scoreboard, among other things.

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