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20% Clean Air Anxiety Applications submitted for heat pumps GLOBEnergia

Since the start of the largest clean air project in Poland (PLN 103 billion in the budget), the Polish Smoke Warning has been monitoring the progress of its implementation. Observation shows that old coal and wood boilers are being replaced primarily by gas boilers (43% of applications by April 2021). Heat pumps (20%) are in second place, followed by biofuels (19%) and coal (15%) boilers. Chairman ląskie Voivodeship, based on the number of applications submitted, every fifth application for heat source replacement is submitted.

Andrzej Guna of PAS points out the need to change and improve customer service. 3 million more suites in single-family homes are to be replaced, so a change in the dynamics of program operation is needed, which will be completed by 2029.

– Although the data we publish indicates that the number of applications submitted in the new version of the program (since May 15, 2020) has increased significantly, it is still a long way to go. We already have a quarter of the project’s operational period, and the number of applications for removal of suit-liners is only 6 percent. Goal set by the government – Comment Guna.

Follow program progress on PAS pages

Polish Smoke Alarm has developed a tool for monitoring data on changing boilers in a clean air program. Ann PAS page You get a map of Poland where you can read information obtained from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, i.e. the number of applications submitted, contracts signed and grants paid. Thanks to the database, the popularity of individual heat sources can be verified, which means that any type of heating is now mostly selected by poles. The map will be updated once a month.

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From the start of the program to the end of April 2021, more than 184,000 applications were submitted. Applications and 146 thousand. Contracts. That means an average of 194 applications were submitted daily. Already 83,464 grants have been awarded. Among the provinces the chief province is Silesia, of which 28 239 thousand. Applications for co-financing for heat source replacement.

A minimum of 820 applications must be submitted daily

Currently, there are about 3,000 submissions per week. Applications, i.e. over 400 per day. Nevertheless, the goal is still a long way off – to achieve that, the number of applications submitted each day must exceed 820. Katarsina Sivkovskaya NFOŚiGW, cited by, has seen an increase in applications submitted for dynamics since 2021. To achieve the goal of the clean air project, about 6,000 PLN per week is required. Results, what NFEPWM is trying to do.

New channels to reach users may contribute to further accelerating the removal of “suite”. Today we reported on that NFOŚiGW PLN is allocating 11 million to active education programs under which local companies will be encouraged to participate in the Clean Air program. Priority will be given to projects implemented by local organizations such as rural housewives clubs or the voluntary fire department.

In addition, local beneficiary service points have been established in more than two thousand communities where citizens can seek assistance and submit an application for the grant. Soon, seven commercial banks will join the clean air, where they will be able to get subsidies and loans to replace old heat sources and renovate homes.

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Source: PAS / NFOŚiGW