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3G on trains: How will railways control from Wednesday – Economy

3G on trains: How will railways control from Wednesday – Economy

Starting on Wednesday, the railways will randomly check whether passengers adhere to the third-generation rule, that is, whether they have been fully vaccinated, recovered or tested. The rule applies from Wednesday on domestic and long-distance transportation and is based on a similar decision by the federal and state governments.

The company announced on Tuesday that the arrest will be made by the railway’s security and control officials. In long-distance traffic only, controls on 400 connections are planned for the first few days after the new rules go into effect. To do this, Deutsche Bahn employs 4,200 decibels of security personnel and another 5,000 inspectors on S-Bahn, regional and regional trains.

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Passengers without 3G network are required to disembark

If you violate the 3G rule, you have to get off at the next station and take a test. Those who refuse can be fined and excluded from further transfer. In case of problems, the Federal Police will be called. Anyone who has not been fully vaccinated or recovered will need a rapid negative antigen test no more than 24 hours old (no self-test) or a current PCR test. Children under the age of six and school children are exempted from the 3G network obligation. 3G requirements also apply to Deutsche Bahn employees.

bahn creates more seats

“Together with all carriers in the country, we will do our part to combat the fourth wave,” said Berthold Huber, a board member of passenger transport at Deutsche Bahn. In addition to random checks by the railway crew, the railways also hope for the cooperation of passengers. In order to avoid full trains and thus the risk of contracting the Coronavirus, Deutsche Bahn is also expanding the number of trains and seats offered in long-distance transportation. As of mid-December, the company says it plans to offer 50,000 more seats than last year.

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