A selfie on Mars? The Chinese orbiter Tianwen-1 captured images that looked like they were from a science fiction movie.
Chinese orbital vehicle Tianwen-1 Took a series of amazing photos red planet. They were made by a little girl Camera TDC-2 And show the solitary monitoring probe Mars’ frozen northern ice cap.
In administrative advertising Xinhua I know that Tianwen-1 There is currently approx 350 million km from Earth. The device rotates Mars From February 2021, a łazik Zhurong, who took the above mosaic image of the planet’s surface, succeeded in landing on it in May last year The first Chinese rover and the sixth rover in the worldwho did it.
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Photos also include great close-ups Golden probe body, directional antenna and solar panelsthat operates the device during the task. We’re looking forward to more tropical stuff.
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Source: sciencealert.com
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