In 2011, T-Mobile became the first operator in Poland introduced codecs known as HD Voicewhich soon also found its applications with other operators. This technology eliminates most communication disturbances, but work to improve sound quality is still ongoing. As a result, in 2017, the operator Introduced the EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) codec, better known as HD Voice +. The solution has a wider sound range (up to 16 kHz), which better reflects the natural human voice.
HD Voice + technology is available to all people using T-Mobile services i.e. subscription customers, prepaid offers and MIX offers. It can be used in the entire network, as well as – as of September last year – with respect to the Play Network. Now, connections made between T-Mobile and Orange networks have been added to this list.
To use HD Voice + quality, it is enough that the phones work with VoLTE or VoWiFi technology and support the EVS codec. T-Mobile voiceHD+ is supported by more than 100 terminals from various manufacturers, including the iPhone 8 model.
In the third quarter of last year, T-Mobile Polska achieved revenue growth of 2.2 percent. to PLN 1.656 billion and adjusting EBITDA AL by 5.5 per cent. It amounts to 457 million PLN. At the end of September last year, the number of telecom subscribers reached 11.425 million, by 354 thousand. over a year ago. The number of postpaid customers increased from 7581 to 7.748 million, and those using prepaid offers – from 3.49 to 3.677 million.
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