Some owners of the new Apple Studio Display are having problems trying to update their display software.
This causes some customers to be notified by Apple Support that the display is serviced by an authorized repair center.
Thread in the Apple Support Forum Studio Display owners who report getting an error message when trying to update their display include:
Apple Studio Display firmware update will not complete. Please try again within an hour. If the problem persists, contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
According to users in the thread, reconnecting the display to another Mac and/or restarting the display does not solve the problem.
iFixit rozebrało Apple Studio Display
Users In the MacRumors forum They also report similar problems.
It turns out that on April 11 Apple started re-signing the firmware update, which was a problem because the company had earlier stopped signing iOS 15.4, and its modification is the Appledisplay 2.1 firmware. So the update is not installed, because it does not have the right to it, as Apple has stopped signing the system from which it originated … Bravo Apple …
Apple stopped signing iOS 15.4 on 4/7
On 4/8, users started reporting that they were unable to update Studio Display to iOS 15.4 Firmware.
As of 1 hour ago, iOS 15.4 firmware for studio screen (Appledisplay2,1) is signed again
Firmware update is now installed! 👍
– Mr. Macintosh (ClassicII_MrMac) April 11, 2022
Everything should work now.
After bad webcam reviews, Apple has promised another major update in the future that will fix this problem.
sourceMac rumors
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