It seems that Apple wants to act more aggressively against information leakage through which it penetrates the internal parts to the outside. Apple CEO Tim Cook has now stated in an internal memo that every effort will be made to identify the dropouts in their ranks. Anyone who shares information with the outside world has no business at Apple — the company does not tolerate disclosure of confidential information about products or meetings, according to the immediately leaked message.
Tim Cox Leak Frost
At the same time, Kwok shows himself in it from the edge Published note Frustrated that “most of the details” of the iPhone-13 event were previously revealed to the media. He heard that many employees were “disappointed” by it.
Cook’s message follows an Apple event and a subsequent internal company-wide event in which Tim Cook answered questions from employees, and addressed, among other things, the group’s coronavirus testing strategy. The topics discussed there were directly communicated to the outside world.
Employees report their grievances
In the past few weeks, there has also been criticism for first-timers who have complained about internal grievances such as workplace harassment and the group’s culture of secrecy — with this, everything can be swept under the rug. An Apple employee who turned to the US Labor Protection Agency with her complaint has already been fired – apparently in reference to infidelity.
Active shareholders are currently using a shareholder proposal to force Apple to amend its nondisclosure agreement so that employees can at least draw attention to the issues — without having to fear for their jobs. Otherwise, shareholders will be denied exposure to Apple’s workplace culture, and thus shareholders are a business risk.
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