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A dog disappeared at the airport, and now it has been found 3 weeks later

A dog disappeared at the airport, and now it has been found 3 weeks later

About a month ago, Paula Rodriguez booked a vacation trip to San Francisco from the Dominican Republic. However, when she stopped in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States, it was discovered that her tourist visa did not meet the entry requirements.

Her visa was canceled and the woman had to spend the night in a detention centre. In addition, she was separated from her dog, Maya.

When Paula Rodriguez arrived at the flight gate the next day, where she was scheduled to meet her dog, Maya wasn’t there. Paula Rodriguez did not receive any information about what happened, and was forced to board a plane and return to her home, a journey she took. CNN Described as terrifying.

– Everyone who knows me knows what you mean to me. “I don’t go anywhere without it,” Paula Rodriguez tells CNN.

Just two days later, the airline representative called the woman.

– He said that she was taken to the plane above the runway, and that the employees opened her cage and she escaped, Paula Rodriguez tells CNN.

Great demand on social networking sites

For more than three weeks, Maya has been missing. Because Paula Rodriguez’s visa was cancelled, she was not allowed to travel to the United States to search for her, which she described to CNN as a “nightmare.”

But on social media, hundreds of Americans began gathering to try to help Paula Rodriguez and Maya. With the help of physical notes and Facebook posts, they began contacting the missing dog.

On Saturday, September 9, a woman named Robin Allgood received a phone call from an airport transportation worker who had seen the dog and posted notes that Maya was missing.

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until CBS News She told us the dog was under a scaffold used to move containers around the airport. After several attempts to lure and capture Maya, Robin Allgood crawled under the scaffolding and captured her.

The dog was taken to a vet where it was confirmed that she was in good health, despite losing weight during the weeks she spent on the run.

In the “Find Maia” collection, Robin Allgood wrote that Rodriguez’s mother had traveled to the United States to pick up the dog and that they would return to the Dominican Republic on September 12.

Read also: A cat was found inside the airport three weeks after escaping

Read also: The traveler checked the cat into the flight’s luggage

Read also: I didn’t want to get caught for speeding – I switched places with the dog

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