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A record high temperature was recorded in the Sargasso Sea

Updated on 08.36 | Published on 08.24

The temperature in the Sargasso Sea in the western Atlantic Ocean is increasing, which, according to researchers, is due to climate change.

Temperatures higher than now have never been measured in the Sargasso Sea.

The oceans are also more acidic and poorer in oxygen than ever before Live sciences.

The acidity of the Sargasso Sea has increased by 30 percent in 40 years. The water is also one degree warmer than it was when measurements began in 1954. That’s what a new study has shown – and according to researchers, the significant increases are due to climate change.

The researchers discovered the changes when they studied several decades of data from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Study (BATS). There are more comprehensive statistics on oceanographic features, and BATS is making bathymetric measurements in the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda.

Climate-related changes in the Sargasso Sea have far-reaching consequences, as those waters continue to reach other ocean systems.

The new study was published in the journal Frontiers in marine science On December 8th. Lead author Nicholas Betts, a chemical oceanographer at the Bermuda Institute of Oceanography at Arizona State University, told Live Science:

The sea temperature in 2020 is unprecedented compared to the oldest statistics available to us from the 1950s.

He thinks today’s temperatures might also break records if you go back even further.

– These are the hottest temperatures we have seen in millions of years, says Nicholas Bates.

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