Brazilian amateur astronomer Jose Luis Pereira enjoys taking photos and videos of the planets of the solar system on clear nights. He particularly enjoys photographing Jupiter, which he calls his favorite planet. On September 13, Pereira was taking pictures of Jupiter while capturing something extremely rare with his camera. As you can see in the next clip created from a series of images, he managed to catch a bright glow on the surface of Jupiter, attributed to an asteroid impact, but he did not notice it at first. The night was routine for the amateur astronomer, and without much thought, he submitted his films to DeTeCt.

Recording of an asteroid hitting Jupiter

After uploading his videos on September 13th, he fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, he was notified through the show that the first recording he had made on Monday night had a video of the collision. The amateur astronomer admitted that he was greatly affected because he had been trying to record such an effect for many years.

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The system that the hobbyist astronomer uses to make his observations uses a 275 mm Newtonian telescope with a QHY5III462C camera. Complemented by a Televue Powermate 5x lens and IRUV filter. Unfortunately, the films made with this collection leave something to be desired. Remember, however, that this is for hobbyist equipment that has served its purpose. We can easily see bright white flashes near the center of the planet in the video. It’s unclear why there were so many eruptions there, but it sure could be a comet or an asteroid riven by the planet’s massive gravity, and individual explosions spewing debris.

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Source: SlashGear

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Paweł Maretycz

A skeptical fan of new technologies. He loves small devices, even his computer is a small ITX.