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An Italian man was bitten by a fox, not a wolf

An Italian man was bitten by a fox, not a wolf

Image: Shutterstock
DNA analyzes of the dead man's clothing and injuries showed that he was bitten by one or more foxes.

It was not the wolf that bit the Italian man who was found badly injured and later died in South Tyrol last week. The man's injuries were caused by one or more fox bites.

– Very unnatural behavior for a fox, says Benedikt Terzen, Südtiroler Jagdverband for the Italian news site South Tyrol Online.

Bite damage to the body

Jakt & Jägare reported last week about a 73-year-old man who was found by a woman a day after he and her dog disappeared near the Italian city of Brixen.

The man was lying motionless, his eyes closed but his breathing weak. He had injuries to his neck, torso and arms.

It means wolf

Since emergency services were already in the area with several search teams searching for the missing man, a helicopter came and picked him up immediately. He was taken to hospital in Bolzano, but his life could not be saved.

Local police said at the time that the man's injuries indicated the presence of a wolf. But it has also been speculated that he may have been bitten by a golden jackal or a dog. However, no one mentioned foxes.

However, from hypothermia

But DNA analyzes of the dead man's clothing and injuries showed that one or more foxes had bitten him.

However, it was not the bite injuries that killed the man, but rather severe hypothermia, in other words extreme cooling and hypothermia.

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