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Anderson supports Pilgrim police report  HN

Anderson supports Pilgrim police report HN

Social Democrat Jamal Al-Hajj has reported Member of Parliament Fredrik Karholm (M) for gross defamation.

The background is statements from Karholm implying that Jamal Al-Hajj would have links to Hamas and thus pose a security risk.

I Ecott interview on Saturday S leader Magdalena Andersson says she supports the police report.

– Of course we must be able to engage in a difficult political debate, but we have legislation and limits on what you have the right to say. She says and continues:

Individual lawyers pointed out that these accusations leveled by this moderate are very serious.

In May, Al-Hajj was forced to take a break from several parliamentary duties after participating in a Palestinian conference. The party’s leadership had refrained from participating since information emerged about speakers with ties to the Hamas movement.

Magdalena Andersson tells Echot that Jamal Al-Haj repeatedly distanced himself from Hamas, both in relation to the attacks in Israel and the celebrations that took place afterward in Sweden.

When she was asked if she trusted Al-Hajj about the matter, the answer was:

– In general, and with the information available to me, the answer to that is yes. But this does not mean that I support every sentence that Jamal Al-Hajj may have said.

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