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Anna Kempisty mentioned Oposta’s sale of wedding dresses

Anna Kempisty mentioned Oposta’s sale of wedding dresses

Joanna Oposta’s emotional life certainly didn’t turn out as expected. When she married Antony Krolikowski in August last year, the actress didn’t expect how their relationship would turn out. The couple separated when Joana Oposta was pregnant. Rumors soon surfaced about Antony Grolikovsky’s alleged affair with his wife’s neighbor. Although the star did not confirm these rumours, The paparazzi later caught him more than once in romantic encounters with a beautiful woman.

The heartache experienced by Joana Oposta was undoubtedly very painful for her. No wonder the actress wants to distance herself from those unpleasant experiences. The star decided to let go of the past with the help of her sister Alexandra. She has put two of her wedding dresses up for sale. The announcement was released on social media and received a huge response from the netizens. Opozda posted several shots of the dresses in all their glory. Interestingly, in both photos, Joanna Oposta herself is the model. Photographs may be taken during pre-wedding fittings.

There is no doubt that there is no shortage of brides-to-be who dream of dressing up on this special day. Joanna Oposta. But is this really a good idea? Can fate weigh these clothes? Angel Anna Kempisty knows the answers to these questions.

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In an interview for Fakt, Anna Kempisty revealed her attitude towards selling a wedding dress. Joanna Opossi. The fortune teller believes that wearing such an outfit will have a very bad impression on its new owner.

So are there any rituals to be performed to ensure that the creation is safe to wear? The angel does not share any specific procedures that can be followed to “dissatisfy” the objects. However, he said that the influence of things on a person depends mostly on themselves.

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Despite these obstacles Joanna Oposta Can you sell her wedding dresses?

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