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Arno two passes accused of murder: all we know

Arno two passes accused of murder: all we know

On Thursday, April 15th, businessman Arno Murran, responsible for the giant carbon market value-added tax scam, was charged with “assassination” in the case of billionaire Claude Dry, who died in 2011, and “organized mass murder”, of disappearance. 2010 from another number in the carbon tax case: Sami Sweid.

The son of a good family, a poker player, a businessman close to the mighty … Arnaud Mimran’s life is as exciting as it charms her. Here’s everything we know about the two main situations surrounding him and his career.

Who is Arno two lanes?

Arnaud Corridor, 49, grew up in a wealthy family who lived in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Photo from Lobes, Relying on the statements of an old acquaintance, he describes him as “one of those spoiled kids whose parents always gave them the latest devices.”

As an adult, he became a businessman close to the world of money and the stock market. During this period, he developed a taste for some luxury among the wealthy, which soon was combined with a certain taste for risk-taking.

In poker, in particular, he participated in memorable special games where heavy bets were made. By playing cards, he could also exchange information that was very useful for his professional activity. “We always thought he had some of his advice (on financial markets, editor’s note) from secrets gleaned from his poker partners,” said former AMF member Loebs.

The Claude Dry affair

In the mid-2000s, Arno Murran married one of the daughters of Claude Dray, a billionaire who was found murdered in 2011. The case has not yet been resolved in which Arnaud has been indicted.

In October 2011, 76-year-old billionaire Claude Dray was found dead at his home in Hauts-de-Seine. A touching fact: The villa was not subjected to any break-ins or theft. Since that day, Claude Dray’s murder has been a mystery to investigators. Early in 2013, a source close to the investigation raised the possible charge of Arnaud Mimaran. Then the latter split from Claude Dray’s daughter and was in conflict with her. A source close to the investigation stated in the French News Agency (AFP) that this road is “the only remaining path.”

“The indictment of Arnaud Mormaran confirms our suspicions,” lawyer Mitter Cyril Bonan, one of the family’s lawyers, told AFP on Friday (April 16th). The lawyer continued, “After more than ten years, the family hopes to finally find out the truth, and thanks the investigators and judges who have not abandoned their investigations,” adding that “Claude Dray was an honest man whose price was paid by life for his stubbornness. His family will continue to fight until his crime does not pass.” Without punishment.

Sami Sweid case

The other case Arno Mamran was involved in is that of Sami Suwaid. This man, who passed away more than ten years ago now, is still considered one of the figures for this “trick of the century” in a market for carbon dioxide emissions in 2008-2009. Sami Sweid has long been close to Arnaud Mimran, who was introduced to him by a third man, Marco Mouly, who is a regular player at the poker tables in Las Vegas.

Sami Sweid, already involved in fraud cases in the 2000s, was killed in September 2010 in Port Mayo, Paris, by two men sitting on a motorcycle. We’ve been fighting for the truth for ten years. There was a lot of slowness in this file. Arnaud Mimran, it is a path we asked to dig, ”cheered Mister Sylvie Messika Sitboun, a lawyer for the Sued family. Justice has finally done its job for the sake of the truth. “

What happened on Thursday, April 15?

On Thursday, April 15th, investigating judges in the Interregional Jurisdiction (Gires) in Paris simultaneously charged Arnaud Merrrane with “murder” in the Claude Dray case and “murder in an organized gang in the Sami Sweid case.”

According to a source familiar with the matter, Arno, two lanes, was being held in pretrial detention. But the man was already in prison over the “carbon tax” issue. His lawyer, Professor Jean-Marc Vedida, declined to comment.

In June 2017, Arnault Corridor on appeal was sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine of € 1 million in this massive tax fraud in the tainted rights market. Along with Marco Molli and five other accused, they were also ordered to pay € 283 million in damages to the state.

And now?

In the cases of Dray and Saeed, Arnault is still presumed innocent to this day.

An indictment in French law is a decision issued by an investigating judge in the context of a judicial investigation. “An indictment may be brought against any person suspected of committing a crime and there is serious or compatible evidence against him after his presentation to the investigative judge. If the indictment allows the judge to impose on the suspect certain measures to deprive him of his liberty, it also grants him rights”, we can read what Follows Above all, the accused person has access to the content of the proceedings, which are essential data that allow him to better prepare his defense.

However, Arnault is still two lanes far from finished justice. The guy should already appear from June 8-25 in Assizes in a third issue where; Along with Khadr and four other defendants, he is on trial for kidnapping and forced imprisonment with the aim of extorting a wealthy Swiss financier in January 2015.

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