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Bad News.  For those 14 seniors, the 2022 pension will be lower.  “Where is the justice?”

Bad News. For those 14 seniors, the 2022 pension will be lower. “Where is the justice?”

14 pensions will go to seniors in late summer 2022 or early jesieni ±. Most retirees are happy with the increase, as the 14th pension in 2022 will be a record. Only those who meet the conditions will get the money. Unfortunately, there will be some differences between those as well. The amounts of “fourteen” may vary, depending on a particular rule that ZUS will apply when making payments. The New Deal has something to do with it, too.

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Who is retirement 14 2022? Not every retiree will get it. There are conditions

W Issue There is an income standard for the fourteenth pension. This is the only condition other than reaching retirement age and obtaining retirement status. The elderly cannot exceed a total of PLN 2,900. These conditions were in effect in 2021, but it is not known whether the income threshold will not change due to valuation. For people who do not meet the financial criteria, there is the thirteenth annuity in 2022.

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How much is the pension 14 in 2022? The amount is higher than it was a year ago

Because of the restricted, the minimum pensions increased in 2022. The same is “thirteen” and “fourteen”. The 14th pension is due to be paid at the end of summer or early fall. This means that the amount will be credited to seniors’ accounts after March’s indexing. Its amount is 1,338.44 PLN. has increased. In 2021, the total PLN was 1,250.88 PLN. In addition, the poorest of the elderly will not pay taxes.

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These people will not receive their pension in 2022 or will receive less

Seniors who cross the financial limit don’t have to be sad. The “PLN for PLN” rule applies, so if the amount exceeds the minimum it is not large – they still have a chance to benefit. It is different for people who have exceeded the minimum pension. They will do a good job. is suitable for you and we write to you all the time on different topics. This does not mean, however, that Ukraine fell into the background. This is a very current and important issue all the time. You can find the most important information here:,

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