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Benedict XVI’s body moved to St. Peter’s Basilica, thousands in line

Benedict XVI’s body moved to St. Peter’s Basilica, thousands in line

After a private ceremony, the remains of the Pope Emeritus were transferred this morning from the Convent of the Church to St. Peter’s, to the central altar, the Altar della Catedra. They will be there for three days, until the funeral in which 50-60 thousand people are expected. Meanwhile, thousands of faithful lined up to pay homage to the Pope Emeritus, who quietly left time on the last day of the year with the words “Lord, I love you.”

Charlotta Smedes – Vatican City

The first to enter, at 8.50, St. Peter’s Basilica, which was still closed to the public, was the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Together with him, his daughter Laura. Pause for a few moments on the right side to pray and pay homage to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, whose body lies at the central altar. Altar chair Until the funeral on Thursday.

Cardinal Mauro Gambetti presided over the morning rites, which lasted from 7:15 to 7:40, after the transfer of the Pope Emeritus’s body from Mater Ecclesia, the green-shrouded cloister in the Vatican Gardens that Joseph Ratzinger had chosen as his home. After his resignation in 2013.

Cardinal Gambetti presided

Cardinal Gambetti presided

From the monastery to St. Peter’s Basilica

On Monday morning, the body of the Pope Emeritus was removed from the chapel in the monastery after Mgr. Gänswein, and those who nursed him, the devoted Remember the Lordformer chamberlains prayed over his body one last time and said goodbye after 10 years together at the monastery.

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In procession from the Abbey to St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pope Emeritus was carried The door of prayerPrayer door at the back. A short trip along a winding road in the Vatican Gardens, which all Sunday until evening were climbed by the faithful who wanted to show their respect to the beloved Pope: bishops, cardinals and hundreds of people who did not want to wait until evening. The next day when St. Peter’s Basilica opened to public homage.

Procession of the body of the Pope Emeritus from the monastery to the basilica

Procession of the body of the Pope Emeritus from the monastery to the basilica

Long lines at Peter’s Church

Many returned to St. Peter’s Square this morning, waiting in a double-lane line from the wee hours of the morning, draped in scarves and coats. Early estimates speak of 15,000 people. About 30,000 to 35,000 people are expected daily during the three days the casket is on view from January 2nd to 4th.

Monday queues at Petersplatsen

Monday queues at Petersplatsen

Peace and prayers

The body of Pope Benedict XVI is dressed in red liturgical vestments, a white cap, and black shoes, without a crucifix or pastoral cross. Rosary between intertwined fingers. Many stop to pray the rosary on the body, or attend mass on the side altars.

The Pope Emeritus’ personal secretary, Monsignor Georg Ganswein, attends and receives condolences. Since yesterday, “Don George,” as he’s known to the audience, has been busy shaking hands with people: ministers, senators, bishops, and former Ratzinger students.

The faithful pray over the body of Benedict XVI

The faithful pray over the body of Benedict XVI