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Biden changes refugee policy after a storm of criticism

Biden changes refugee policy after a storm of criticism

For four years, liberals, progressive democrats and human rights groups in the United States have harshly criticized Donald Trump for his immigration and refugee policies. It has been described as inhuman and racist.

So it was not surprising A similar storm of criticism immediately hit Joe Biden when Friday came with a surprise message to keep Trump’s controversial refugee reduction cut, with a strict limit of 15,000 per year – a historically low level for the United States.

The criticism of the main voters, left-wing activists, and human rights groups was deafening.

The human rights organization ACLU writes that “Biden’s decision to extend the historically low refugee limit imposed by the Trump administration could have dire consequences for people around the world.”

In The Atlantic, Adam Serror wrote that Biden’s refugee policy was “disgraceful” and that he “silently endorsed Trump’s most discriminatory actions.”

The criticism caused Biden to make the complete transformation. Later on Friday evening, White House spokeswoman Jane Psaki announced that they would not continue Trump’s strict restrictions ever, but rather raise the ceiling for receiving more refugees, starting in May.

Psaki tried to give everything Unfortunately, it seems that Biden has surrendered to the criticism. The continuation of Trump’s refugee policy was a clear betrayal of one of Biden’s key campaign promises, in which he promised a more generous refugee reception and “a more equitable and humane immigration policy.”

Several US media with the best view of the Biden administration have reported that he is trying to move toward the political center of immigration policy. Biden’s goal, according to the Washington Post, is to craft a new idea of ​​”two-party partnership,” and inter-party cooperation that is not based primarily on what Republicans are calling for in Congress, but rather takes into account Republican voters across the country. Many of them want to reduce or limit immigration and refugee reception, so Biden appears to have been partly sensitive to these demands.

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But a clear majority of US voters have criticized Trump’s immigration policy.

Over the past year for Trump as president The United States took in only 12,000 refugees, the lowest number in the 21st century and a steep drop from last year when Barack Obama was president, when the country welcomed 85,000 (even a relatively low number by historical standards)

The White House could not have been surprised by the storm of criticism that was met with the initial announcement of continuing Trump’s policies. During Biden’s first three months, his politics mostly shifted to the left and he appears to have prioritized the primary progressive voters more than many had anticipated. But immigration policy was one of the main reasons Biden voters wanted to remove Trump from the White House.

For human rights groups, progressive activists, and primary voters in Biden, his complete reversal was met with relief. But the contradictory call from the White House raises questions about how well-thought is Biden’s position on the issue. Immigration policy is tough terrain for every president and Biden has already managed to become the target of heavy criticism from both the right and the left.

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