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BlizzCon in 2023 – Blizzard announces the return of the event

BlizzCon in 2023 – Blizzard announces the return of the event

7 July 2022, 21:38

BlizzCon is expected to return in 2023. Blizzard CEO Mike Ybarra said work is underway to relaunch this gaming event once a year after a three-year hiatus.

I bring good news for fans of Blizzard games (is there more?). The studio’s current CEO, Mike Ybarra, introduced an interview On the Los Angeles Times Work is underway to host BlizzCon in 2023 with public participation.

Three years without a “real” BlizzCon

If we can do that, we’ll have our first “real” BlizzCon in three years. In 2020 and 2021, fixed events have been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. For sweetness, in February 2021, the digital BlizzConline was launched. Eight months later, it was reported BlizzCon has been suspended – whatever its form – indefinitely.

The problem is not just the epidemic

In the official announcement of the company we read the following:

Every BlizzCon program requires all of us to be a reality. A company-wide contribution, driven by the desire to share our creations with the community we care so much about. At this point, we feel that the energy needed to organize a show of this size would be better spent supporting our teams and developing the games and experiences they create. […] Plus, we’d like to spend some time imagining what BlizzCon might look like in the future.

Thus, the company did not say a word about the lawsuittaken by the California Department of Employment and Housing against it at the time.

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As a reminder, I would like to add that the case relates to a number of issues related to harassment, gender discrimination and the general work culture of Activision Blizzard Holdings, a part of which is represented by the studio Blizzard Entertainment, which we have repeatedly described. The suit itself was eventually dismissed on the grounds of “indeterminacy”.

Old and New BlizzCon

BlizzCon 2023 - Blizzard announces the return of the party - Illustration #1

Mike Ybarra, current CEO of Blizzard. Source: Los Angeles Times / Christina House.

In this Los Angeles Times interview, Mike Ybarra admitted it The situation “undoubtedly affected the people and their morale.” But over the past few months, there have been some changes in the company. Thanks to them, BlizzCon 2023 is now possible to implement.

We recently appointed a new leader for BlizzCon, April McKee [mającą za sobą ponad 20 lat pracy w Microsofcie – dop. red.]Yabara said who is working hard on this plan. We are committed to bringing BlizzCon back in 2023.

Interestingly, everything indicates that the planned event will be held in a somewhat similar format as in 2005-2019. Blizzard tried to create a new concept but in the end “He wants to get back to a live event that allows him to celebrate with the community.”