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Can’t save Cyberpunk 2077?  •

Can’t save Cyberpunk 2077? •

Cyberpunk 2077 is still a game to be talked about and written about. Each new patch and information from the developers generates a flurry of comments. Although the title is well patched and the current version has very few bugs, don’t expect the game to improve and go the way No Man’s Sky traveled. Cyberpunk 2077 may not be saved.

CD Projekt Red’s mass production premiere will likely remain forever symbolic. This phenomenon, perhaps unprecedented on this scale, the product has not mastered marketing itself. Turns out Cyberpunk 2077 was “just” a very good game (!), but expectations were certainly higher: it was meant to be a title with the highest possible ratings and undoubtedly the best game of the year, perhaps from pass generation.

Yes, it is still the most powerful vision of a cyber driver in video games. Well-designed open world, interesting characters and a well-written story – all these are strong foundations. However, when we move to the level of gameplay, it turns out that the title cannot surprise with anything innovative, but rather tries to imitate what other major studios have already provided in their projects.

Trailer 1 of 2013 – The Cyberpunk Madness Begins

So we are dealing with a good, but not outstanding shooter, we have a failed loot system, a lot of logical small side quests and commands, an uninteresting development of the hero and his unattractive skills. Has anyone got some really cool and rare weapons in this game that did the job?

Meanwhile, some of us, as if immersed in some extraordinary collective hypnosis – confidently anticipate that in the coming months, or maybe a year, Cyberpunk 2077 will become a completely different and better game. In addition to fixing technical bugs, the game will be reconstructed in small details: from equipment, through implants, to the behavior of passers-by.

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Interlocutors often refer to No Man’s Sky’s status, the path taken by the title, and Shawn Morey himself From the hated cheat maker and blow-up game to one of the best space games ever and die-hard fans. A phenomenon that will be talked about for a long time, because No Man’s Sky continues to evolve and enrich it with exceptional solutions.

But Cyberpunk 2077 will never be the second No Man’s Sky game, because Murrey not only fixes the game, but builds it all the time. This allows him not only to improve and rebuild many bad systems, but also to add new units. Project Red has a very different strategy here: the studio wants to release the game for PS5 and Xbox Series S/X as soon as possible, full paid and big add-ons, and possibly real plans for The Witcher 4 in the background.

The beginnings of No Man’s Sky were very difficult – today the game is in a completely different place

So let’s not expect innovative solutions from Red Dead Redemption 2 to appear in Cyberpunk 2077 over time. Don’t expect to rebuild the shooting system or develop an improved and remastered hero. It seems that the developers have to give up on everything else and really rethink the design and creation of the main aspects of the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 can no longer be saved as much as some have dreamed of. The title will remain simply a very good game that many will find disappointing, but it will bring dozens of hours of great fun to others.

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This isn’t a game we’ll remember for a decade, but another good and solid product, like the next versions of Far Cry or even Assassin’s Creed – although the latter has come a long way lately, building on the achievements of The Witcher 3 games, which have also been successful, And she wasn’t afraid to watch CD Projekt Red, she was there lately – just mention Horizon Zero Dawn or another Ghost of Tsushima.

By the way, it is interesting that the designers of Cyberpunk 2077 wanted to isolate themselves from what they achieved in Wild Hunt so much that they excluded the best solutions and ideas from Geralt’s adventures from the new game (other creators even copied it! ). Consciously or not, they used what wasn’t entirely successful in The Witcher 3.