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Crisis in Ontario, Canada: Health Care in Collapse



Healthcare is on the verge of collapsing and adults are being admitted to pediatric hospitals.

The police were given the power to block anyone to keep people at home.

We are losing the battle between the variants and the vaccine, says Doug Ford, prime minister of the Canadian province of Ontario.

The third wave struck the most populous province of Ontario in Canada, with both Toronto and the capital, Ottawa, located.

At the moment, there are just over 4,000 confirmed cases of corona per day. But the models show that within two months you could have 15,000 to 30,000 casualties per day in Ontario, depending on how hard the community closes.

    Wonderland theme park in Vaughan, Ontario, has been transformed into a comprehensive vaccination site where healthcare professionals receive patients outdoors.

Photo: Nathan Denette / TT NEWS AGENCY

Wonderland theme park in Vaughan, Ontario, has been transformed into a comprehensive vaccination site where healthcare professionals receive patients outdoors.

Healthcare is already on the verge of collapse. Public health expert Adalstein Brown, head of the county research council, gave a stern warning to residents In a CTV interview.

The problem now may be that we are tired of paying attention. So I urge you to point out that our hospitals are no longer operating normally. They are on the verge of collapse. We equip a field hospital. We separate the critically ill and their families by transporting them by helicopter to other places in the governorate for treatment. Our children’s hospitals now accept adult patients. This hadn’t happened in Ontario before. This has never happened before in Canada, he says.

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At present, more than 2,000 COVID-19 patients are being treated in district hospitals. 726 of them are in need of intensive care. This is the highest number since the start of the epidemic.

Photo: Frank Jan / The Canadian Press / Associated Press

A field hospital in the parking lot outside Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.

Photo: Nathan Denette / TT NEWS AGENCY

GM’s assembly plant in Oshawa, Ontario, has switched to producing protective masks during the pandemic. The photo shows GM employee Kristi Brown and manufacturing engineer Ian Sauter at the mouthguard.

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Authorities in Ontario, which has a population of 14 million, estimate that 4,000 additional nurses will be needed in the coming months to cover the growing need for care. You are appealing to other provinces in Canada for help, you mainly need care personnel with experience in intensive care.

The latest model developed shows that as many as 1,800 patients may require intensive care at the end of May.

More stringent restrictions

In an effort to reverse the trend, or at least slow it down, authorities introduced new, stricter restrictions starting on Saturday. One of the actions caused real anger and conflict between politicians and the police.

Under the new rules, police have the right to randomly stop anyone outside the home, whether they are sitting in a car or walking, to find out what they are doing and the purpose of the commute.

– If you don’t cooperate, you are breaking the law and could be fined, says Sylvia Jones, Ontario’s Minister of Law and Order, at a press conference. It states the Toronto Sun..

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Human rights organizations have bypassed the expanded powers. They believe that Ontario risks becoming a police state where minority groups could be more at risk if the police treat all citizens abroad as guilty of a crime.

Photo: Cole Burston / TT News

Toronto police arrest a man during a protest against the harsh restrictions.

The police themselves don’t seem to want the new rules that mean they can stop anyone at any time. Toronto Police (TPS) wrote the following on social media on Saturday:

The new emergency measures announced yesterday are now in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. TPS will continue to participate, train and support the law. But we will not randomly stop pedestrians or motorists. “

The police in Ottawa also stated that they will not stop people without reason, It states the Toronto Sun..

Another measure that the provincial government has implemented as of today is border controls against neighboring counties to stop all travels not deemed to be of social significance. They are also shutting down playgrounds, limiting the number of people who can buy food and going to church, and stopping all outdoor sports.

The curfew has been extended for two weeks for those who do not have to go to work or need to buy important goods or do something important.

One of the main reasons the contagion is so severe in Ontario, although the province will soon implement four million vaccines, is the spread of the more contagious species.

We lose the battle between the variants and the vaccine. We are in our wake. But if we are determined and persistent, we can change that, says Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario.


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