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Discussion on TVN.  What: Obama says rubbish

Discussion on TVN. What: Obama says rubbish

The mailboxes of the most important American companies also unfortunately met with hackers several times. (2) International cooperation and technology exchange is needed because hackers are unfortunately attacking everyone, ”MEP told TVN24’s” Coffee on the Bench “.

Breaking into Dvoசிக்கk’s mailbox

MEP stressed the need for international cooperation in cyber attacks.

This is an issue that our services alone cannot solve, and it is necessary to develop cyber security in international cooperation between Western states and democracies. (2) International cooperation and technology exchange is needed because hackers unfortunately attack everyone

-he said.

In turn, in the opinion of Sezmin Deputy Speaker Piotr Zkorzelski“The saddest thing is that this shows a bad picture of the Polish secret services, counter-intelligence, which does not guarantee that one of the most important state officials is safe in the security of email correspondence.”

Even if it is a private mailbox, it may be due

App appreciated.

Emails that are not true or leaked, (…) It only shows one thing, all these stories about the strength of the secret services under the rule of law and justice can be smashed to four edges because in reality Polish state officials can not feel safe


The deputy was critical of the situation Isabella Leskina.

They do not have competent secret services, they do not have competent top officials, they do not know about cyber security practices, in addition they are arrogant, i.e. Minister Dvoசோர்k believes that it does not matter to him. After all, they are above the law

He evaluated.

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In turn Krzysztof Bosak He pointed out that email is “not a very secure tool”.

This is an encrypted tool, whether private or public mail

“In general, the security of business mail in Poland is often lower than that of private mail because business servers now offer two-factor login, while business mail is often slower, neither – Factor login”.

This time the services did not provide any practical support to politicians in maintaining security, but also the opportunity to create private email accounts.


Minister of the President Andrze Tera He stressed that politicians should be careful not to be in the boxes.

This is the battleground of cyber security, and this is the problem for everyone. It can happen to all of us. The second thing is basic. The best secret, the secret, the secret documents are the most secure. They do not pass by electronic means. For the above reasons, there is no chance of anyone hacking this website

App appreciated.

You have to be careful. Each of us, politicians, must be careful about what is in the private mailbox and what is in the service mailbox

TV TVN24’s guest underlined.

And Sage Deputy Speaker Vodzimierz Czarzasty In connection with the breaking of Dvoசிக்கசிக்கk’s mailbox, he expressed the hope that some action would be taken to prevent such things from happening in the future.

The only thing I like is what to do and whether action will be taken to prevent such things from happening in the future.


Obama’s words

The event also featured a headline on the words of former President Barack Obama, who described Poland and Hungary as “dictatorial nations.”

read more: Prime Minister Moraveki responded to Obama: It is enough not to read here some studies that distort the image of Poland.

If the esteemed politician Barack Obama says such rubbish, it is primarily about him, not Poland

MEP said What.

According to Terry, “Democracy is about citizens, free, sovereign and direct elections, when deciding who should rule.”

I do not agree with our definition of democracy, especially those that use the Civic platform, democracy exists only when they rule. When they do not rule, democracy is already broken

-he said.

According to him, democracy is “the whole legal system that helps citizens choose.”

When the right wing rules, there is no democracy, and when the liberal-left camp rules it does not


In turn, Christoph Bosak stressed that democracy exists in Poland, albeit “very imperfect.”

No matter which government ruled she had flaws

-he said Krzysztof Bosak, The situation in Poland and Hungary in the foreign media is presented by the “intelligent left elite” who have “some clichs that study our situation”.

One of these clichs, the wave of populism or nationalism, is sweeping across Europe. Based on one case – Brexit – they developed themselves that the whole situation in Europe goes to the right


Representative of KO Isabella Leskina Instead, he said, “Barack Obama said out loud what all the leaders of the democratic world are quietly saying.”

He can say this because during the Bais regime it was completely different when it comes to civil rights and democracy than it was during civil liberties.

– She argued.