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DKB uses unclean methods to increase prices

DKB uses unclean methods to increase prices

We have already informed you that Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB) will convert the spiral rate and in the future will only issue a girocard and Visa credit card for an additional cost. Unfortunately, in my opinion, people operate with unclean methods when raising prices.

In November 2021, DKB will offer the Visa debit card in a free DKB checking account to all new customers. In the meantime, there are also modifications to the girocard and VISA credit card. Both cards will be loaded in the future. girocard initially only for new customers, Visa credit card also for existing customers who accept the new debit card. You can find all the details in yesterday’s post.


Now DKB has every right in the world to adjust its prices and services. Customers are informed of the modifications and they can then determine if it is clear to them. So everything is fine then? Oh, okay. Unfortunately, DKB deliberately covers up some changes, which I find very unclean and, to be honest, unfair to their clients.

“Our conditions remain the same” – or are they?

On the other hand, there is the desired acceptance of the new terms and conditions. I have the documents that clients receive. I would at least describe these as “confusing”. Document 1 states: “We require your active consent” and furthermore:

Important things first

Our conditions remain the same. The current prices and conditions are unchanged from the last case notified to you. As a result of BGH’s decision, we just want to change the way we agree with you on future contract modifications.

Umm please? Isn’t it just going around to rebuild some cards? correctly. As a good DKB customer, Document 1 should not deceive you, but first you should look at Document 2. This is called “Visa Debit Card Contract Offer”.

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There it says rechargeable VISA credit card, new VISA debit card without The request has been sent and how the new card is held in the first place. In short: whoever activates the sent card has automatically given their consent. Therefore it is said:

DKB AG makes a binding offer to the client for the conclusion of the contract, which it places in the client’s email box in banking services. The customer accepts this offer by assigning a personal identification number (PIN) of his choice in the debit card banking services provided to him by DKB AG. The contract is entered into when the required Debit Card PIN has been successfully assigned.

Anyone who doesn’t want to read a 36-page PDF document and activate a new card agreed as normal. Legally, this may all be true, but is it really just and transparent? Well, portraying change to the outside world casts doubt on that.

Only one card instead of two?

It seems a little strange that the DKB presents its new Visa debit card as the best in all areas of the previous group of cards, and in my opinion, it uses a very marginal formula. This is what is stated in the “Visa Debit Card Contract Offer”:

[…] It combines in its functionality what girokarte and DKB-VISA-Card have been able to do together so far. Instead of two cards, you only need one in everyday life.

You may also like to have this picture on the private page to paint. This is demonstrated in a much simpler way in the video embedded there. let’s see:

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This is not true on many levels – if you take it seriously. This chipTAN no longer works with Visa Debit at least technically. The fact that almost all acceptance information is left out when viewing the new card is a bit “suspicious”.

If you look closely, you will of course see that in the table under “Pay at Pure Girocard Acceptance Points” there is an X for the Visa debit. Acceptance of Visa (and Mastercard) is getting better and better in Germany, but it is not yet as high with girocard. “Small” details that you prefer not to emphasize explicitly.

There may also be difficulties with Visa Debit when you are on vacation abroad, if you want to book a hotel or rent a car. It doesn’t have to happen, but a debit card is not a credit card with a line of credit guaranteed by a bank. Another “small” detail that it’s better not to emphasize clearly.

Even DKB support doesn’t really know about the new product itself. In my opinion, there is no other way to explain some of the statements about the new card. The discount visa is of course not a girocard, so a phrase like “girocard function still available” – to put it in a friendly way – is very marginal.

This is just intentionally designed to confuse. Here it depends on the details: Technically, Visa Debit is a giroa map, but not jirokarDr.

DKB: Good product, bad communication


Well, you might think that I don’t like the debit card. This is exactly what is not the case. I am a big fan of discount cards. I can understand anyone with a “real” credit card use case, but I don’t have one. I like real time banking so everything is always booked live. This is exactly what I do and that is exactly what the new Visa discounter from DKB does.

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On the other hand, I don’t think much of the girocard, which has always been a half-baked solution in my eyes, which has only become possible with a common badge and still fails online.

In my opinion, the change in DKB is basically a great thing. Then why this post? Because the method bothers me.

The whole communication is designed to influence the client in his decision as much as possible and the inaccuracy of the facts. Yes, this is also due to customer convenience. Most people would rather watch a video with information than study terms and conditions or schedules. However, this does not mean that the bank should take advantage of it in a targeted manner.

For me, DKB has always been a clear, open and direct communication. Not ad bilal, but fair banking. This image has been corrupted by the upcoming change.

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