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do not fall!  Assessment of COVID variables circulating in networks is wrong – El Financiero

do not fall! Assessment of COVID variables circulating in networks is wrong – El Financiero

The “table of strains” spread on social networks is wrong and supposed to reveal the full calendar of a plot to spread a group of variants of the COVID-19 virus on specific dates, starting in the delta, until February of 2023.

With the widely shared photo Network users on Facebook and Twitter widely posted this list of 21 SARS-CoV-2 variants with their corresponding scheduled spread date, under the heading “Stress Table”.

Delta is the first of 21 variables included in this graph, each identified by one of the remaining letters of the Greek alphabet and the date of spread, until reaching the omega type of virus that, according to the list, will be in circulation in February 2023.

The naming of variants follows the pattern of using letters of the Greek alphabet created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to identify new strains of the virus.

Specifically to show the supposed official nature of this calendar and the alleged involvement of world organizations and other institutions commonly mentioned in conspiracy theories, the logo of the World Health Organization can be seen Along with the foundations of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins University, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

“This is the varied calendar for this year, better than the signs of the zodiac.” It’s one of the messages that network users accompany this list with, along with recommendations like “Print and put magnets in the fridge.”

Data: The fact is that the World Health Organization, the only global authority to officially recognize coronavirus variants based on scientific evidence, has denied the authorship and validity of the supposed calendar, and in fact, some of those listed by the dates attributed to them appeared.

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After consulting with the EFE, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the US branch of the World Health Organization, it asserted in an email that “the document in the alleged calendar of new variants is false and not issued by WHO”.

In fact, the circulating image contains the virus Discrepancies: the delta variable, shown in the graph with a spread date of June 2021, It was first identified in India in October 2020, as recorded on the WHO’s “Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants” page.

The same thing happens with virus “variants of interest” that have already been detected, such as the eta variant (predicted in the September 2021 graph but actually observed in December 2020), or atom (which the list places the following November when it was identified in the same month of last year).

In the same way, the calendar attributes the date of the next December to the kappa variable, despite the fact that it was already discovered in October 2020, and predicts a lambda in January 2022, when it has existed with this name since last December.

Nor are “variants of concern” listed by the WHO, such as alpha, beta and gamma.

Scientists and health authorities estimate that thousands of variants of SARS-CoV-2 are currently circulating, as it is a natural process in the development of any virus.

Variants, a natural process of viruses

In its response to the EFE, the World Health Organization indicated at this point that “the emergence of mutations is a natural and expected event within the evolutionary process of the virus,” as the organization noted last May.

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Jairo explained that “these changes may have advantages for the virus in achieving its ‘goals’, which is to have a greater ability to enter cells and then multiply and try to escape the immune response, whether it is natural or mediated by a vaccine.” Mendez Rico, PAHO Adviser on Emerging Viral Diseases.

The higher the level of transmission of the virus in the population, the higher the likelihood of viral mutations and the emergence of new variants. This is one of the reasons why slowing down the transmission is so important,” this expert warned.