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Eighth Class Exam Results 2021 –

Eighth Class Exam Results 2021 –

The results of the Class VIII Exam 2021 will be known to students on July 2 at 10 p.m. How was the selection this year? Check your score against other students in the country.

Eighth Class Exam 2021

The eighth grade exam took place from 25 to 27 May 2021. It was conducted in writing. Each eighth grader wrote the exam in three compulsory subjects: Polish, Mathematics and Modern Foreign Language.

According to the CKE, 357,060,000 students appeared for the Class XII examination in May 2021. 367 834 thousand 8th grade students of primary school (approximately 97%).

Eighth Class Exam 2021 – Results

In the Polish language exam in 2021, eighth grade students scored an average of 60% points, according to data from the Central Examination Commission. The math got worse – the average score here was 47% points.

As for the third compulsory subject – a modern foreign language, the majority of the candidates passed the English examination. Eighth-graders averaged 66% for solving English tasks. Students scored higher than 75% on the task of checking comprehension of written texts – 75%, and slightly worse on tests of knowledge of language functions, listening comprehension and knowledge of linguistic algorithms (average marks – 71%, 63% and 59%, respectively). The lowest average result was obtained by the students for the task of testing the ability to create a written report (possible 58% points).

Frequently selected second language German – Students received an average of 49%.

Out of the remaining modern languages, students received an average of:

  • From the French – 79% points
  • From Spanish – 69% points
  • From the Russian language – 57% points
  • From the Italian language – 77% points.
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We remind you that you can not fail the eighth grade exam. This is because the number of points required to complete elementary school is not specified. So, it is enough to take the exam. However, its outcome is very important for high school recruitment.

Below is the distribution of results depending on the location of the school and the gender of the students:

Eighth Class Exam – Percentage

Eighth Class Test Certificate Candidates receive one percent mark and one percent mark for each test item received.

Percentage score refers to the percentage of points earned by the test taker (rounded to the nearest integer) to complete the tasks of the lesson.

The score is the percentage of eighth grade students (rounded to the nearest whole number) who get the same or lower score in a given subject. It allows each examiner to compare their scores with students across the country and, for example, evaluate high school enrollment opportunities.

For example: A student who gets 78% of the marks available in English (percent) will find from the certificate that 72% of all applicants got the same or lower result, i.e. 28% of the candidates got higher result.

Eighth Class Exam – Worksheet 2021

This year’s eighth grade exam papers are available on our website. You can review their level of difficulty and check your answers.