In the first part of the tournament, 16 teams were divided into two groups. The top four players will qualify for the quarter-finals and the competition will continue in the cup system.
Due to the pandemic, last year’s championships were canceled, and in 2021 only the competition will be held at the highest level. This means that no elite team will be left behind and that the same teams will play in next year’s World Cup, which will be held in Finland.
The Poles performed at the elite for the last time in 2002. They are currently at the third level of the game.
Wyniki niedzielnych meczów i tabele grup:grupa A:
Wielka Brytania - Słowacja 1:2 (0:1, 1:1, 0:0)
Szwecja - Białoruś 0:1 (0:0, 0:0, 0:1)
Dania - Szwajcaria 0:1 (0:1, 0:0, 0:0)tabela
M Z P Bramki Pkt
1. Rosja 2 2 0 11-4 6
2. Słowacja 2 2 0 7-3 6
3. Szwajcaria 2 2 0 6-2 6
4. Dania 2 1 1 4-4 3
5. Białoruś 2 1 1 3-5 3
6. Szwecja 2 0 2 3-5 0
7. Czechy 2 0 2 5-9 0
8. W. Brytania 2 0 2 2-9 0grupa B:
Norwegia - Włochy 4:1 (1:0, 2:0, 1:1)
Kazachstan - Finlandia 2:1 po karnych (0:0, 1:1, 0:0 - 1:0)
Kanada - USA 1:5 (0:1, 0:3, 1:1)M Z P Bramki Pkt
1. Niemcy 2 2 0 14-5 6
2. Kazachstan 2 2 0 5-3 4
3. Łotwa 2 1 1 4-3 4
4. Finlandia 2 1 1 3-3 4
5. USA 2 1 1 6-3 3
6. Norwegia 2 1 1 5-6 3
7. Kanada 2 0 2 1-7 0
8. Włochy 2 0 2 5-13 0
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